Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures Wiki

Sir Cumference is Pac World's top inventor. He has a robotic assistant named Grinder and a pet named Fuzbitz. His best friend is President Spheros.


Sir Cumference had a long rivalry with Dr. Buttocks, in which case to compete with better inventions. He is good friends with President Spheros, Zac, Sunny, and Spheria. Sir Cumference is usually appeared to be forgetful.


Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Video Games[]



  • His rival is Dr. Buttocks.
  • He was a freedom fighter in Pac World War I.
  • Just like Buttocks, he has a robotic hand.
  • Sir Cumference met Pac's father and mother.
  • He knows about the Tree of Life.
  • Sir Cumference is in charge of the repository.
  • He is often very forgetful.